Burwell Community Sports Centre
(Founded in 1983)
Run by the community for the community
Our mission is to encourage the health of the community within the burwell community and surrounds and as such we are happy to point you in the direction of other sports and fitness related clubs and services within the area
Clubs and Organisations
Burwell Aikido Club - burwell-aikido.co.uk
Burwell & Exning Cricket Club - burwellandexning.play-cricket.com/home
Burwell Cycling Club - cyclinguk.org/group/burwell-cycle-club
Burwell Ex Service & Social Club - burwellsocialclub.org.uk/sport_and_recreation.html
Burwell Football Club - burwellfc.co.uk
Burwell Judo Club - sites.google.com/site/burwelljudoclub/Home
Burwell Ramblers - anchor-ramblers.com/
Burwell Running Club - facebook.com/groups/357081176036373/
Burwell Tennis Courts - burwellparishcouncil.gov.uk/Tennis_Courts_34602.aspx
St Philips Badminton Club - stphillipsabc.wordpress.com
​​​​​General Information
Healthy You - We are a free service for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough residents who are looking to make changes to their lifestyle. So, whether you want help to stop smoking, lead a more active lifestyle, lose some weight, or simply take advantage of the NHS Health Checks we offer, Healthy You – funded by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council – can help you. For more information visit -healthyyou.org.uk/